Shrimp Fry w/ Louisiana brand

It's that time of year where most people can go outside and enjoy the nice weather.  We had such weather last weekend here in South Texas.  It was also my Birthday , so wanted to do something special.

My boyfriend had been wanting to buy a fryer he had seen at our local grocery store.  Well, lit finally came on sale, so he went and bought it.  We also bough frozen cod and  fresh shrimp.

We used grape seed oil in the fryer.

I am going to focus on the shrimp for this blog post.

I used Louisiana Seasoned Crispy Shrimp fry.

First you make a wet mix for dipping the shrimp into, then you roll the dipped shrimp into dry shrimp fry mix.

I let them sit for about 10 minutes before putting them in the fryer.  This lets the shrimp coating bind together and stick to the shrimp.

Fry them at 350 degrees and fry about 3 minutes...just until golden brown. This time will depend on the size of your shrimp.  We had about a pound of shrimp with 16 to 20 shrimp.
