A Vintage Betty Crocker Cook Book and ......

a stash of vintage recipes

My plan was to go to a local estate sale and look for Mason and Bell jars for canning.  I found the sale at the Whisper Circle address with my trusty GPS.  I parked at the end of the cul-de-sac and made my way in 90 degree weather to find glass treasure.

I entered through the garage noticing a plethora of retro and vintage Christmas decorations.  I was not to be swayed (it was difficult).  

I entered into the laundry room and was greeted with the "pleasant" aroma of the past owner somewhere in between old sock and old book smells.  After a quick search for jars I was sorely disappointed.  There in a storage locker were two topless jars.  

So with a a short step into the kitchen, I was transported to the Kitchen Land of OZ, a place in my little world of imagination.  Pyrex, Fire King, and Tupperware all whispered, "Take me home.  I need a new owner."  I answered them sadly, "My wallet is empty and my kitchen full!"

But then, out of the corner of my eye, a flash of red on the built in 1960's kitchen nook bookshelf caught my eye.  


Surprise!  It was!  It was!  Was it a vintage, or retro, or classic Betty Crocker cookbook!?  The book cover was tattered and torn, but still there.  I looked underneath, almost immaculate!  The date?  What  was the date,  I wondered?  

Quickly flipping to the front cover, as an older man looked on with curiosity . . . . .

It says Copyright 1950.  Oh heavenly cook book Father!  Thank you, thank you!  I love you!

 And I even got it cheaper than the 1950 price of $4.75!  I paid a whopping $4.00!

 So, later, turning the pages I find Frostins and Fancies!  Oh how 1950's!  I'm so happy, but about to become even more happier.  Who expects MORE happiness when all is well in their world?

 As I flip the back of the book, I am greeted by a manilla envelope with "candy recipes" handwritten on the front.  I also see a mini cake lessons book put out by Spry Pure Vegetable Shortening from 1953.  Has your mom or Grandma ever used Spry?

These are all of the candy recipes I pulled out of the envelope!  So happy!  Today was the "Best Ever Estate Sale Day!"


Lisa said…
LOVE retro cookbooks! What a fun,lucky find :)